- Babies and Ear Deformities
- Non-Surgical Proceedure Can Correct Ear Deformed Ears
- Ear Reshaping Without Surgery
- Craniosynostosis Surgery at Wolfson Children’s
- New technology at Wolfson Children’s saves boy’s eye
- Baby Olivia has Craniosynostosis Surgery at Wolfson Children’s
- Saswata Roy, M.D. – Hot Doc Profile
- CT analysis after distraction osteogenesis in Pierre Robin Sequence
- Rebuilding Baby Jaws — In Depth Doctor’s Interview
- Pediatric Craniofacial Surgeon Performs Procedure at Wolfson Children’s Hospital that Rebuilds Jaw in Infants
- Nemours Publication “Together” 2009 – Profile of Dr. Roy
- Rebuilding Baby Jaws
- Treatment for micrognathia and PRS
- New syrgery for Pierre Robin Sequrnce
- Two-month-old baby ‘happy and healthy’ after miraculous surgery to remove neck tumour the size of her head
- Craniosynostosis Surgery at Wolfson Children’s
- Surgical Procedure Effective in Alleviating PRS Airway Obstruction
- Nosebleed mystery leads to successful face surgery for St. Johns teen
- New Procedure Helps Baby Avoid Years of Complications; the Surgery at Wolfson Helps an Infant Grow New Bone and Expand Her Airway
- Amazing Surgery of Two Month Old Baby for Remove Neck Tumor
- Northeast Florida Pediatric Society Names Physicians of the Year at Annual Meeting
- First Coast Doctor draws on parallels in sports.
- Wolfsons doctors remove large tumor from Palm Coast baby’s neck.
- Girl’s rare defect treated at Wolfsons.
- Child has successful and complex eye and craniofacial surgery.
- Pediatric craniofacial surgeon removes giant skull base tumor.
- Palm Coast baby with huge neck mass survives eight hour surgery.
- 2 Day old Panama City Baby has Brain Tissue successfully removed from the nose during emergency surgery.
- Six people ran 55 miles to benefit Wolfsons Childrens Hospital
- Runners dedicated to the cause.
- Tumor aside, she is OK with America.
- Fungal infections popping up more frequently in doctor’s offices.
- Giant mass near Newborns heart removed in 14 hour surgery.
- Home for Christmas: Baby undergoes face changing surgery. Recovering in time for the holidays.
- Growing infants jaws.
Journal Links
- http://archfaci.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=480930
- http://thejns.org/doi/abs/10.3171/2009.2.PEDS08230
- http://oto.sagepub.com/content/137/2/233.abstract
- http://catdir.loc.gov/catdir/toc/ecip0720/2007023662.html
- http://www.plasticsurgery.theclinics.com/article/S0094-1298(07)00081-8/abstract
- http://www.plasticsurgery.theclinics.com/issues?issue_key=S0094-1298(07)X0023-3
- http://archfaci.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=480930
- http://oto.sagepub.com/content/123/5/647.extract
- http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1175957-treatment
- http://w3.cns.org/dp/2011CNS/1138.pdf
- http://issuu.com/sonicweldacademy/docs/2009_2e2_2epeds08230
- http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/lary.20011/abstract
- Tibesar RJ, Roy S, Hom D, MD: Bilateral Le Fort l fracture from a lightening strike injury to the face, Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, 123 (5) November 2000
- Hom D, Roy S: Biology of Wound Healing: Implantations for Implant Biomaterials, Chapter for book – Implant Biomaterial in Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Editor – Petruzzelli GP.
- Roy S, Tibesar RJ, Gapany M, Adams G: Role of Planned Neck Dissection for Advanced Neck Disease in Tongue Base and Tonsil Cancer treated with Radiotherapy. Head & Neck. May 2001
- Djalilian HR, Roy S, et.al., Transcanal Cochlear Implantation Under Monitored Anesthesia Care. Otology & Neurotology, Vol. 26, No. 4, 2005
- Lin S, Roy S, Hickey R, Patel P, Facial Nerve Paralysis Following Distraction Osteogenesis of the Mandible. Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Volume 133, Issue 2, Pages P36-P37, August 2005
- Roy S, Patel PK, Mandibular Lengthening in Micronathic infants with the Internal Distraction Devise. Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery, Vol. 8, January/February 2006
- Roy S, Djalilian HR, Pediatric Cranial Base Lesions, Principles & Practice of Pediatric Plastic Surgery, Vol. II, QMP 2008 & I
- Roy S, Patel P, Tomita T, The LeFort I Transmaxillary Approach to Skull Base Tumors. Clinics in Plastic Surgery, S .Roy, Volume 34, Issue 3, Pages 575 – 583 Archives Facial Plastic Surgery. 2006;8:60-64.
- Lin S, Roy S, Patel PK, Distraction osteogenesis in the pediatric population, Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Volume 137, Issue 2, Pages 233-238, Aug 2007
- Roy S, Munson PD, Zhao L, Holinger LD, Patel PK, CT Analysis after distraction osteogenesis in Pierre Robin Sequence, The Laryngoscope, Volume 119, Issue 2, pp.380 -386 , Jan 2009
- Aldana PR, Roy S, Postlethwait RA, James H, Ultrasound-aided fixation of a biodegradable cranial fization system: uses in pediatric neurosurgery, Journal of Neurosurgery, Volume 3, No. 5, May 2009
- Sheth RD, Iskandar BJ, Heger IM, Roy S. Craniosynostosis. eMedicine from WebMD. Updated July 23, 2010. Available at: http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1175957-overview.